
I think you'll find that I have shared more of my life with a piece of paper than a human being
You can only dig so deep before I inevitably shut you down.
Because I don't consider that my life, my life is what I have now.
Before this, it was all an illusion, just a dream
I like to think that when I was a being beaten, it was all just a dream
That these mental scars that are etched into my mind are just that of my own imagination.

Because I couldn't live with myself if I thought otherwise
Because it's so hard to forgive when you've been hurt so much
So it helps to just forget.

I think you'll find that I have shared more of my life with a piece of paper than a human being.
And to tell you truth I want nothing more than to throw these pieces of paper from the highest rooftop
So you all can hear me scream.

I think you'll find that my life...
Only started about 3 years ago...
So I'm a 3 year old.
I'm still learning
I'm still growing
Like a newborn baby with a stunning vocabulary
Like I birthed myself when I walked out that goddamn door.

18 years all a blur
18 years of pain
18 years of suffering unjustly, and literally going insane.
18 years of broken hearts, bruises and being alone.
It took me 18 years to find that where I was
Was no where that I would call home.


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